31 Chakra Affirmations to Activate Your Higher Self
Article updated June 4, 2024.
Red hibiscus by Allec Gomes
These are chakra affirmations I came up with at the beginning of the year to help guide me to my higher self. I pray they are helpful for you, too!
As you master your nutrition and purify your temple, affirmations like these will help elevate you to the next level. But you can also start using them now, even if you are at the beginning of your journey, because they give you something positive to aspire to.
You can say these affirmations silently to yourself throughout the day, while meditating, while journaling, while doing breathing exercises, while sunbathing — whenever you feel called to!
Root - This is your foundation! Repeat these affirmations to yourself to let go of fear and anxiety around your life’s purpose and your place in the world. Understand the divine timing of everything that happens in your life. Have faith that you are on the right path at all times, and move with love, righteousness and intention. Know that your unique expression is needed in this world, and feel secure in knowing that the world is a better place with you in it!
All is well and i am safe.
I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.
I belong here.
Sacral - The Sacral Chakra is a highly feminine energy center that, when activated, helps you align with the sensual, playful and creative side of yourself. Use these affirmations to channel your unique divine feminine self-expression. Learn to be receptive in the world — giving and receiving — while still maintaining firm boundaries in your relationships. Learn to use your emotions as a powerful part of your intuition, instead of letting your emotions completely overpower you! When you show up in the world, show up for yourself first, without judgement, so that you can exchange positive energy more fully with others.
I have the right to feel and to want.
I respect myself.
I have the right to defend myself.
I allow myself to give and receive equally.
Solar Plexus - Third chakra affirmations can help you step into your feminine power. The fire and passion within you should fuel your inner confidence. Know that you are responsible for validating yourself — if you don’t have your own back, no one else will! Use these affirmations to gather your strength, keep your head up high, and cultivate joy for yourself. Remember that you are made of an entire universe!
I am a magnet for miracles.
Nothing outside of me has power over me.
I have the power to resurrect myself at any time.
Joy is my birthright.
Heart - In order to move through the world with an open heart, you have to learn to trust — trust that you are good, trust that you are guided by a higher power — and you have to live in a state of gratitude. Once you open your heart with trust and gratitude, the world will open for you, and all of your needs will be met, and you will exist in a state of peace, joy and abundance. The Heart Chakra is the bride between the lower and upper chakras. The love that you have for yourself will radiate from you, magnetizing all that you require to be healthy and happy.
i start and end my day in gratitude.
I TRUST MY divine guidance.
I love myself.
I am grateful for my heartbeat.
Green grass field by Zane Priedte.
Throat - The Throat Chakra is the mirror of the Solar Plexus Chakra; when it is activated, it will reflect the self-confidence and joy that you have cultivated within, in order to help you manifest that joy in the outer world. We use our words to empower ourselves and control our experience of life, based on the timing and frequency of the things we say. We are the only (known) beings who can speak the things we want for ourselves, so use these affirmations to power up your manifestations and cleanse your tongue of any negative energy.
I own my space.
My words are my magic.
I have the right to protect my energy!
I claim sovereignty over myself.
Third Eye - Like the Sacral Chakra, the Third Eye is a creative energy center — whereas the Sacral draws out creativity through passion and emotion, the Third Eye draws out creativity through vision and purposeful imagination. It fuels our perception of reality, which in turn determines the type of experiences we will have, our moods, and the frequencies we reside in. These affirmations help you use your imagination, intuition and ability to visualize a positive reality for yourself. They will give you confidence in trusting the inner wisdom you do have, in order to see beyond illusion and free yourself from self-limiting beliefs and doubts.
I am an intuitive being and I trust my intuition.
I know what is right for me.
I create my reality.
I am worthy of peace, joy and love.
I know who I am.
Crown - The Crown Chakra calls you to embrace your higher self without fear. The crown of your head is where cosmic energy pours into your body and informs your Third Eye, or perception of reality (important to note: you will only have a healthy Crown chakra if you have a healthy Third Eye chakra!). These affirmations help to fill you up and keep you light, whole and complete as you move through the world. Shower yourself with high frequencies that infuse you with self-love, self-worth and confidence. Know that you are worthy enough to receive this loving and divine energy from the cosmos.
I am in love with life.
I am royal!
I radiate light and high frequency.
I bathe in cosmic energy.
I am a dragon.
To learn more about working with these 7 energy centers, watch this video on using crystals to heal your chakras.