Clearing Negative Energy and Restoring the Divine Feminine with LaOta Rassoull (Interview 1)
LaOta Rassoull
Do you know how to clear negative energy from your home? Do you know when it’s time to bust out your salts and get to cleansing? These are some of the questions LaOta Rassoull, owner of energetic clearing company Of the Sun, helped answer during our phone chat in March.
As LaOta says, everyone has the ability to manage the energy in their space, but some of us just miss the signs. We’ve all walked into a space and thought, “This is so low vibes.” But maybe the food you’re eating is leaving you spiritually clogged up, unable to tap into your inner knowing. Or the energy from an argument you had with a loved one has now intermingled with unresolved negative energy from the previous tenant, blocking your ability to sense something’s off. If left unchecked, negative frequencies in your home, office or space can lead to negative physical, mental-emotional and spiritual experiences — including confusion, disarray, or even domestic abuse.
After her own self-healing journey of becoming a shaman, LaOta began offering property clearing classes to teach people how to move heavy frequencies out of their space. Along with the right diet and taking accountability for one’s own life experiences, anyone can learn to restore their energetic balance. The energy in your home is a reflection of your own energy, so it’s important to protect your space and be able to tell when it’s time to do some personal healing.
Below, I talked to LaOta on how to clear negative energy from your space, why some bad energy requires more than sage, and why the return of the Divine Feminine is so important to restoring balance here on Earth.
Read interview #2 with LaOta here: How Women Can Access Their Divine Feminine Power
Read Interview #3: LaOta Rassoull on the Anti-Life Agenda of Artificial Wombs and Competition Between Women and Men
EMPRESS WOO: What is ‘Quantum Healing’?
LaOTA RASSOULL: The third-dimensional understanding that everything is in a linear pattern is really not the way things exist in the universe. ‘Quantum’ refers to the idea that power and force can move in many directions — it can be multiplied, magnified, expanded. For instance, if I were going to do a clearing with you on your house, and in the house previous to you living there, there had been frequencies of sadness and depression, when I free the frequencies of sadness and depression from the house, I would also be able to free you from that, because whatever place you have is a frequency match for who you are. The things we find in the house are symbiotic of the people who live in the house, especially if they’ve lived there for more than three years.
EMPRESS WOO: What does ‘symbiotic to the house’ mean?
LaOTA: It means that just because there’s material that doesn’t look like you — it looks like wood and plaster and paint — when you live in a place, the energies start to merge together. If you love someone, then the love is in the walls; if you scream hatred and filthy words to someone, then that’s in the walls, too. So ‘symbiotic’ means you and the house become one, because we are all one anyway.
EMPRESS WOO: In your property clearing class, you teach people that clearing a space is much more than just burning sage. Can you expand on that?
LaOTA: The process that we teach in Quantum Light Property Clearing is the idea of being able to move the frequency. For instance, if you move into a house where people have been divorced, then there’s divorced energy there. There’s arguing and fighting each other. We can go into a space like that and call forth enough energy to free those frequencies from the house, so that the likelihood of success in the relationship will be higher. So the idea of sage is that, with all honor and respect to sage and all things natural on the Earth, it is not powerful enough to move some of the heinous thoughts that are sometimes in an apartment or a house or a neighborhood or what we would consider areas where the frequencies are lower. The abuse and neglect has been layered in over decades — sage can’t move that. But the techniques we use can. We’re calling on forces in the universe, and the processes involved people can learn it in a weekend.
EMPRESS WOO: How often does someone need to clear their space?
LaOTA: It depends on the level of darkness. If you live in a freestanding house, that has a threshold, and the house is cleared with things like our clearing candles and sacred smoke. You can keep it clear from the regular levels of darkness. If you live in a high-rise apartment building, there’s no threshold. So if there’s ghosts in the building or there’s dark entities in your kitchen cabinet, in the next apartment, or upstairs, downstairs, there’s no threshold. The ‘threshold’ means there are laws that govern energy, and there are laws that protect people in a one-family dwelling, that protects the sanctity and grace of a family. It’s only what you bring in yourself [that] would be allowed inside. There’d be a certain level of protection. In an apartment complex, you’re having to contend with everyone and the amount of traffic that comes in and out. You’ve got people who are on drugs on one level, people who beat their wives on another level — that level of darkness can run around a building. So what is needed for a 40-unit apartment building may be more than what’s needed for a single-family house.
EMPRESS WOO: What are some signs that would let someone know it’s time to clear their property or space?
LaOTA: All of us are connected and it’s really a matter of, are we ignoring it or not? Every one of us has sat down in someone’s chair and felt uneasy. Especially older people, or people who never get out of their chair, and you sit in their chair like, ‘Oh, I don’t want to sit here!’ Because you’re sitting in their energy field. So we all are aware of that. But a normal thing that would happen is, you walk into a room and you get sadder, or you’re not as happy, or you notice that you’re in a space and your frequency changes. You wake up happy, and then you walk into another room and you’re not happy anymore. People who are prone to depression and sadness may find themselves really stuck in environments that are sluggish, where the energy is sluggish and moving slowly because of the denseness of it — it’s not light and airy. There’s a lot of ways to see it, but mostly it comes down to awareness. And everyone is capable of it. You do not need to be psychic to become a property clearer. All you have to do is get quiet for a moment, and if it doesn’t feel light, if it doesn’t feel marvelous, then we need to start doing something.
EMPRESS WOO: I know the property clearing class is expert level — but if someone sat down, got quiet and felt something’s off, what can they do immediately to shift the energy in the space?
LaOTA: Get some salt, some good salt. We have exorcism salt, it’s called DNA, but you can get sea salt and spray it in the room. Salt is nature’s way of cleaning, it’s like Ajax for nature. It is what the Prime Creator used to clean the ocean, isn’t it?
LaOTA: And not only that, but doesn’t salt grow in the shape of a cube? And the cube is one of the platonic solids. And it is one of the powers in the unseen aspects of our world. I encourage people to brush their teeth with baking soda, to help alkalinize their body. Or take a grain or two of our salt in their mouth in the morning. Or take salt baths on a regular basis to collapse the wave form of whatever negative [energy you’re experiencing].
Most salts can be used for clearing negative energy — except table salt!
If you have a conversation on the phone with somebody, and you feel bad afterwards, get in a salt bath or spray your area with salt from a spray bottle. This is a very simple way to be able to identify the difference, because you’ll feel different right away. What the salt does is it collapses the wave form. There’s a negative wave form pattern, and it really falls to the floor, and then you feel better. And then of course, you can alkalinize the body [with salt]. It’s natural, it belongs to us. If you live near the ocean, get in the ocean. If you feel like someone has done something to you or you feel negative energy on you, get in the ocean, or get in a salt bath — that’s so simple. And then there are degrees of the level of how much power there is in the salt. We sell a product for the lower area below the navel, for congested energy; we sell one for the heart; we sell a black Hawaiian volcanic for all the dark energies. And we have enhanced and layered within [them] frequencies to help move this level of darkness. But not table salt, any other salt but table salt, nothing iodine.
EMPRESS WOO: What about epsom salts?
LaOTA: Epsom salts are great and this is the wonderful thing: we actually encourage everyone, whether you’re having an experience or not, but especially if you are, to take a bath with two cups of epsom salts, and if you have the better salts, you can use a tablespoon or two. Epsom salts is really, really excellent to give us the mineral salt from the Earth that will begin to strengthen the body. We’re not getting these salts from our foods anymore. This is part of the natural cleansing and hygiene process of the Earth itself. The magnesium that’s in epsom salts is best absorbed through the skin, so even though you go to the health food store and they say take magnesium, truly it can’t be digested through the stomach. It really needs to be on the skin. So it’s a wonderful way for you to get some magnesium, which almost all humans are deficient.
EMPRESS WOO: So we have the ability to clear our space, but I’m wondering, is it important to also claim your own personal vibrational energy that you’re radiating?
LaOTA: Absolutely, because we are more than what we realize. We are our ancestors, and we can see what they look like, so we definitely need to clear what we are evolving into in our own daily experience. But we also carry our past life experiences, so we’re carrying around the energies of many, many, many lifetimes and the generational lineage energy.
Many people are born with addictions from past lives. So to keep those in check we recommend the simple practice of ‘whole-sponsiblity’ — which means you take responsibility for whatever your experience is and start to take the responsibility to clean it up. Just by saying ‘Thank you. I love you. Please forgive me. I’m sorry,’ it begins to move the patterns of darkness away from you. I have people in jail using this, I have people going to court with the IRS using it — and it works every time. If you use these four phrases in the way that they’re said, and don’t change the words, that is such a contrast to what you’re normally thinking, that it contrasts your experience. If you’re starting to have annoying conversations or people being irritable with you, if you just do that, it will take the edge off of it. Make it a daily practice, which is what we recommend, that every morning, just have a morning practice, and in your morning practice you do 20 minutes of ‘Thank you. I love you. Please forgive me. I’m sorry.’ You can do it in the shower. I used to do it on the bicycle when I’d be exercising. You can do it in the car while you’re driving somewhere. You’re in the frequency of reconciliation with the universe, so nobody can really pick a fight with you. Sometimes, we wake up irritable and the day just gets worse. But if you are using this practice daily of taking responsibility for making sure your day is correct, that everything happens in your favor, that you can step into all opportunities significantly, this is one way to do it, and it’s doable for everyone. I’ve had people who’ve called me who thought they were going to be murdered, all types of things, and I’ll say, ‘Okay, three days of this,’ and then the circumstance collapses. In fact, it’s at the point with most of our regular clients where, if they call and say, ‘I’m starting to have a problem with my boyfriend,’ I say, ‘Oh, you’re not using our products. I can tell because you’re having a problem.’ Because it starts to put everything in check. You take some salt baths, you take responsibility for the experience and you’re not pointing at anyone else. It’s your responsibility, they’re not going to do anything to you if you have already decided to have a better experience that day — that in itself is such a different way than the way a third dimensional human thinks, that it gives you power.
EMPRESS WOO: And how is food important when it comes to healing?
LaOTA: The truth of the matter is, they’re our first cousins. Everything on this planet comes from this planet. Everything that grows from Mother Earth, including us, especially those of us who are melanated, must have powerful food from the planet. Processed food does not work for us. All animal food does not work for us. All humans need food from the planet, not processed or manmade food because we have the correct genome and the food has the correct genome so that we can have health. So when people have fallen into the habit of not cooking or eating processed food, their health automatically begins to diminish. The elevation and advancement of human consciousness is through the interaction and communication with our food. And the food heals us at levels that are impossible for us to understand.
I was abroad [in England] when I first had my children, and in many cultures, when a woman has a baby, the placenta is planted by a plum tree or a fruit tree, so then that baby can have that tree as its medicine its whole life, because the placenta has the DNA and informs Mother Earth of the algorithm that this child needs, specific to this child’s blueprint. Now in the hospitals they steal our placentas when we have our babies, and they sell it to cosmetic companies so that people can use it for anti-aging, and then our children suffer the loss of their nutrition and health. It is also true that if you eat a peach, and you threw the seed down and the seed grows into a peach tree, that has your DNA on it, because you ate the peach. And this is known around the world, but not so much in the West, in America. That tree now has your blueprint, that tree will now heal you. Because you’re informing and interacting and communicating with the intelligence of the Mother and the Mother nourishes us. Food is everything!
Photo by Emma Gossett on Unsplash
EMPRESS WOO: I want to pivot to your new book, Call for the Truth. What role does truth play in healing oneself? It’s my belief that when you speak the truth, you’re led on a more righteous path — whether the truth is hard to accept or not, it just frees a burden from you that allows you to get to healing whatever you need to honestly heal.
LaOTA: Absolutely, the reality is that health is the truth. Anything else is the lie. Anything else other than health is the lie. We were designed to be healthy, so as we accept more lies, we look at it as aging. As we eat more wrong, we look at that as ill health. But that’s not the truth. This is scientifically proven that if you ask someone what their name is, and they tell you the truth, it strengthens all of the systems in the body and brain, and the neurological systems fire stronger, the posture is greater. When the person tells a lie, it makes them weaker. It’s like your cell phone: Keeping your cell phone on you, it automatically weakens your entire system because it’s not the truth. The phone is not the truth. The truth is telepathy. The phone is what we do in between.
EMPRESS WOO: Since Of the Sun is a Divine Feminine-led company, why is restoring this Divine Feminine energy right now necessary to restoring balance on Earth?
LaOTA: All we have to do is look around us and see the heinous acts against our children. Our children are being devoured by pedophiles — the Vatican, the priesthood, the Boy Scouts, [movie stars], I mean the list goes on. All you have to do is type in who’s been arrested for pedophilia. Our children are being devoured because women have been made the least of things, and then we have gone for the trick. We walk around in five-inch heels to make us off balance, to make someone else who’s off balance look stable. Look what we have to do to make ourselves weaker. We have to use our eyelids to carry things around on, we have to walk and wear clothes that don’t allow our bodies to move. If anything were to happen, we’re in the five-inch heels, we can’t run away. We have to do a lot of things to buy-in to this idea that we’re weaker, that we’re not as good, that we’re not as strong, not as smart. So we do all these things because that’s what’s wanted — but it’s not the truth.
The truth is, nothing enters this world that does not come from the feminine principle, which is Mother Earth and us. There is nothing greater than that you may have a child at a time when people are unable to reproduce themselves. There’s nothing more spectacular than to be of service to your offspring and then to nourish and heal everyone. That is what a woman is. And she is half of two polarities, which I write about in the book. Creation is two different polarities, it’s like Father Sun and the Mother Earth. So the Earth gestates the life and the Father Sun is born with the information, the algorithm that it needs to have. We are the same: Men inform the seed and the woman gestates it. And these two principles when together are creation. This is a representation of creation in our world. In the same way that we can see in nature quite clearly that the sun shines on the Earth and that the Earth produces food and nutrients and all things are birthed from it. So that’s what women are and it’s not understood, and it’s not appreciated, and it has led us to this situation where women don’t recognize their value. And because they don’t recognize it, or require or demand our children or all others to be in respect of it, no one respects us, no one has any value for it. If you’re not 30 and childless and skinny, you have no value. That’s not the truth. The truth is, our value is in us understanding our own greatness and then adding it to the other polarity.
EMPRESS WOO: Do you see this changing, though, in terms of the overall general energy?
LaOTA: I think if we can gather women together, to call back the divine, the power of the Divine Feminine, she will come back. It’s that’s no one’s calling for it; everyone’s falling off their shoes. Nobody’s thinking of what would it be like to be the divine powerful woman. What would it be like to be a power to show other women what power looks like, that doesn’t look like a Barbie doll? And the men have been deconstructed as well because they don’t have their other experience. They don’t have the part they’re supposed to have and we don’t have the part we’re supposed to have, and so it has deconstructed our world and we are on the brink of being out of control, we are on the brink of an extinction event. Bill Gates is buying up all the land to make artificial meat. People need real food from the Earth, not the intelligence of Bill Gates, they need the Creator’s intelligence. Women’s faces are in another direction — they’re looking at what’s on social media, [while] the food that’s being sent to us will not allow us to reproduce ourselves.
EMPRESS WOO: That’s my intention with Other Suns, to get the Divine Feminine back on track, get us focused on womb wellness, get us focused on the things that we’re eating, the energy that we’re calling toward us, so I’m hopeful even though there’s a lot of work that has to be done in terms of taking people’s perceptions from social media back into the real world, but hopefully this conversation will point people in the right direction.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.