Part 3: LaOta Rassoull on How to Beat the Anti-Life Agenda of Artificial Wombs and Competition Between Women and Men
In order to heal ourselves and Mother Earth, we must be in right relationship with life itself. For me, this has manifested as learning to rebalance the female-male harmony within my marriage, returning my home frequency to a natural state, and looking to nature to guide me in all things. I’ve learned that if you tend to yourself, and raise the vibration of your household, you will also help raise the vibration of the world. All of this work is purposeful, because we are actually fighting against something very unnatural in our society.
LaOta Rassoull
As Shaman LaOta Rassoull, founder of energetic clearing company Of the Sun, shares with me in this second part from our interview in December, there is an anti-life agenda currently being worked on our planet Earth. This can explain why people’s relationships, physical and mental health, financial wealth, inner beauty, and more are out of balance for the majority of the inhabitants of this planet.
“I work in a realm where I speak to beings who are not just from Earth, and it is clear that a lot of what’s happening is a hatred for life itself and a hatred for the divine feminine,” LaOta tells me. “We see it in the way the planet is treated. We see it in the way that there’s no regard for life. It’s just moved or killed or used up.”
Below, we go deep—very deep!—on how to spot the anti-life agenda in the world and your own home, and how to course-correct and call for the power of the divine feminine to restore us to balance.
EMPRESS WOO: We were talking about how your body is not this surface-level thing where you can cut off a body part or enhance your body and now you’re more or less a woman or a man—it’s more spiritual. But that detachment from the body seems to be affecting everyone right now.
LAOTA RASSOULL: I had someone call me and say her mother went to a shop and took pictures of a Black woman’s lips because she wanted to take them to a cosmetic surgeon. So isn’t it interesting how despised we are and they just want all of our pieces and parts? And how we’re just so oblivious to that. We’re drawing on eyebrows, pushing things together, lifting things up. There’s nothing wrong with beautification, but we’re at the level where it’s almost like we’re on another planet. If I came to this planet from another place… [Laughs]
EMPRESS WOO: Mmhmm. [Laughs]
LAOTA: You know what I’m going to say don’t you? The reality is that we don’t think that what has been divinely given is enough. We walk into the forest and we see the Redwood trees and instead of being in awe, we can only see that they’d all be good if they could move over five inches.
We’re so busy in our immaturity [that] we don’t realize the interconnectedness of everything, that our personal view of ourselves connects to the morphic field of all of humanity. This is so important. Are we filling the field with self-hatred? And where is it coming from? Who is it that we’re trying to be—whoever’s on television? What is it that we’re trying to attract—is it sex, is it wealth? Do we even know?
One thing for sure we know is we don’t like what we look like and we need to go buy some things to disguise ourselves. We are not happy. The solution to this is to forgive ourselves and to excuse it from the room. The solution is to say humanity has a real problem with being comfortable with who they are. Even in ancient times, people were killing the lion and trying to have the lion’s heart so they could have more courage. But we are divine beings. We need nothing more than the divinity that we are. That’s important: that we are divine. We don’t need to look outside ourselves.
EMPRESS WOO: What do you think is the biggest obstacle to the divine feminine being in its full “power, balance, and alignment,” as you share in your book Call for the Truth?
LAOTA: How corrupt the self concept is: people not feeling worthy enough to just present themselves in reality, the way they are. Worthiness is not something someone else gives you. It’s yours to claim. You have to be your own source of honor, respect, and gratitude and stop needing others. Stop blaming people for not giving you what you will not give yourself. This is important. We have to give ourselves permission to be worthy.
I think this idea of honoring self—honor, respect, and gratitude—is the answer. If you were to honor yourself and care for yourself, would you let someone come into your house and call you all those names that you play on your music? Would you choose to subjugate yourself to things that you are not in harmony with? If you took the position of “I am a woman of power, I can make happen whatever I would like to make happen,” and you made all decisions from that point, you would be stronger.
It is our clarity at Of the Sun that women will be moving into huge positions of power in the next three to five years. That this is deconstructing. It has gone as far as it can go—the pandemic and the illness, the way it has been handled, the people dying—all of that would not have happened had women been in charge. They would not have tried to force people to do things. It would’ve been a different scenario, because it’s just not the way that a feminine mind works. Remember those two parts of the brain: the right side of the brain (which is the left side of the body) is the receiver of information. The receiver of information is not the one [currently] running the planet—but the person who is running the planet needs to receive information. You can’t be walking around saying, “I don’t believe in anything, I can’t see”—which is the empirical science of the left brain, or the masculine side.
EMPRESS WOO: I agree that women need to step into leadership roles—and not a “leader” that emulates the white patriarchy sense of a leader, something different and more feminine. I see this competition now between men and women on social media all the time—especially Black women versus Black men.
LAOTA: We cannot be in competition with the masculine—which is not equal to us. The soft underbelly of men is that they have been taught that they are greater than us—it’s going to hurt when they find out it’s not like that. [Laughs] “Hold on this is gonna hurt, but you are not god of me. You’re not greater than I am.”
In China, they’re killing girl babies because they want male babies, and now China doesn't have enough women to reproduce themselves. There’s not going to be any future. This is the anti-life plan.
There is no competition [between men and women], we’re two different polarities that together create a divine experience. It’s like electricity: You have to have negative and positive, otherwise there’s no electricity. It’s the same universal principle. The man represents the line or the lineage, the woman represents the circle; when they come together, she encompasses that. That gets rid of any thought that male is supreme. Clearly the woman encompasses the man. That’s literal and spiritual—and in divine order. Everybody has their contribution to humanity. Man contributes the direction through the sperm, and the woman contributes the necessary power and will to be from her own body, to hold and to bring forward and then protect. So everybody’s doing their own job. It’s not a competition.
WOO: Right, so when you talk about how the circle encompasses the line, how can you explain that without going into a competition narrative, which I feel like someone could interpret that to say, “Women are more supreme than men.”
LAOTA: The idea is this: The universe is feminine, because the universe has to birth all the other things. So it could be interpreted that way, but both are necessary. And both contribute to life itself, which is the grand plan.
If you are a bee and you are in the hive with the queen, are you less of a contributor because you are foraging for pollen so that the planet can have honey? Your contribution is that you protect the hive, you bring back what’s needed, and you’re good with that, because it’s not about jealousy and comparison. And you are perfectly suited for [your role]. You’re not able to lay 5,000 eggs a day.
I see a lot of womb envy in this time. I see people looking to make artificial wombs so that they can then be god of wolves, have babies without women, and make artificial female companions so that they don’t have to put up with you saying no. There’s a lot of things going on now that, to me, look like womb envy, in the same way I see that there’s envy of indigenous women. Like, “I’m going to make you feel like you’re nothing but, by the way, I want to take all your pieces.”
Men are like, “You need to not be seen and not be heard, however, I’m gonna create things so that I can birth them instead of you.” They want to be the person who brings forth life and has the honor and respect to birth life into being, when both parties are responsible. We can look to nature to see the scheme of how things can be. When the bird lays the egg, sometimes the father bird helps feed them. Not always, because everything is not about one man, one woman. Wolves mate for life, other things barely get together to get the sperm. Tigers are like, “Hey, can I do this without you killing me?” [Laughs] There are many varieties of what is appropriate and can be done if people agree. It’s not just one way, monogamy is not the only way, it’s just what most people on this planet want to do.
WOO: Or think they want to do.
LAOTA: Or they think they want to do—and that’s up to them. This is a free choice universe, and much of what we have gotten ourselves into is a misunderstanding of what we think we want. A lot of what we see happening in our world has to do with not being in honor and respect of everyone else, period, the end. We should be in honor and respect of our children, so that they learn honor and respect from us. We shouldn’t be yelling at them and making them run around and do things like they’re slaves. And we shouldn’t be treating our partners that way. We shouldn’t go to a bar and somebody buys you a drink and then you think you owe them something. None of that is appropriate, but that is the way things are.
Photo by Leon Škrilec on Unsplash
WOO: Let’s move on to this idea of the artificial wombs .
LAOTA: Okay, so this has been going on since the early 1950s [with] incubators. They’re selling [artificial wombs] as an incubator, but it’s really this idea of not having to have women involved in the [birth] process. They can take cells directly from a uterus, or they can take cells and propagate them. Essentially, they’ve done it plenty—but they’re saying they’ve done it with sheep now. They have fluids in a plastic bag and they’re able to take an embryo out of the mother and grow it for some time. But there’s a lot of issues with that.
First of all, the issue that you don’t want the mother is the biggest issue for me. Why don’t you want what is needed on all of the other levels? Woman is not a plastic bag or a silicone suppository. So why is it that you’re wanting to do things that don’t include the mother?
They say that this is for children who are premature—which is humanitarian and we’re with that—but this is not that. This is really moving into designer babies. This is the womb envy part, where they want to be the ones who gestate and put into the child the creation aspects—whether there’s blue eyes or whether they like Mozart—all of these different things because they have the genome and think they know everything. Clearly we know that’s not the case, because it was only a minute ago that they were taking women’s uteruses and our tonsils out at the same time and saying that they didn’t have any purpose, which is not true. They also said that about DNA, that it’s all junk. They were saying that when I was growing up. So clearly they are not the fountain of all information. So should they be allowed to make people to populate the planet?
Without the holographic field and the non-local consciousness that exists in all of us, the aspect of this that’s divine can’t be reduced to a plastic bag or a bottle. They’re selling it that way. If they already know so much, why are our cell phones still killing us? Our computers contaminating us with electromagnetic frequencies? They haven’t gotten some of the basic things straight yet.
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
They hook up a baby and put them in this electromagnetic field of artificial fluids and then tell us, “Here’s your new humans.” This does not promote life on the planet. This is an anti-life conspiracy. How is it that we would have the best of people if they were never touched by their mother? I often talk to people who have not had enough lap time. They would be born and then another baby was born 18 months later and they had to get down and they never got picked up again. We all need the touching and the lap time. (Three years is good between children. They usually are ready to get off your lap at that time.) But this is a child who never really gets that uterine time.
They miss all of the touching of the mother, her thoughts and her love. They miss all of that. There’s no morphic field. There’s no spiritual connection to the many layers of their spiritual body. This is a vacuum cleaner for all intents and purposes—or a bottle full of fluids, and who knows if it’s exactly the right combination of fluids and chemicals? Because they don’t know what they’re looking at. If you don’t know that there’s an energetic field around the body—which has been proven—if you don’t know that the heartbeat matters, if you don’t know that the touching and the thoughts and the love of the mother matter, how can you be responsible for making people? This is the womb envy. They are envious of the fact that we have a womb, so they’re making their own.
WOO: What is the purpose of all of this anti-life action, like, is it an energy game?
LAOTA: I’m glad you asked this because I want to articulate this very clearly: Anti-life came to the planet and it wanted to usurp our magic, the indigenous man’s magic.
We entered into agreements with them in our ignorance and our infancy when we were early on the planet, when this experiment of Earth began, and they have been with us ever since, and we are almost now hybrids of this. So we are destroying ourselves, through our own interests, our own music. It is our own books. It is our own computers. We’re instigated by whatever they were doing as well. Does that make sense? Or do you need more?
WOO: Yeah, I would like more.
LAOTA: We can see this and there’s many ways to see this. It was not like one dark visitor came who had ill intent—there were many at many different times. It’s in scripture. You know that the sons of gods came into the daughters of man. There’s all these things that let you know that we’ve been inbred. There’s also the information concerning Rh negative blood, which [can] kill a fetus [with Rh positive blood]. So that is alien blood.
You just have to know where to look. There are many places where we can see that we have become hybrids of off-world intelligence. Some people look clearly like non-indigenous people. It’s very clear. I’ve always taught my students that this planet is the planet of the indigenous and black and brown people. It is our planet. So the sun is fine for us. The people who come here and the sun doesn’t work for them, it’s not their planet. I mean, there’s a lot of ways to talk about this. If the sun on your planet don’t like you, maybe it’s not your planet.
WOO: That’s a very simple concept.
LAOTA: From the ancient texts, clearly there were visitations, and there’s still things going on. For example, did you know that all the presidents are related? This is a magical thing that was done by off-world negative??. Did you know if you type into Google—whether it’s Barack Obama or Abraham Lincoln—they’re all related through bloodline. And they all have Rh negative blood, including Barack Obama. And so what that tells you is that they brought themselves to the planet and then they used whatever their magical skill set was to make sure that they always were born into power. Same thing applies to the Rockefellers, to the queen.
On the other side, the indigenous, we didn’t participate in that magic and they purposely cut us out of that. Even in countries that are now Black-ruled, they were colonized. This is a conversation that needs to be had but nobody’s ever asked me about this. It needs to be had, because this is anti-life experience that is influencing our world. They first took out the female, because we are the one who protects life. So if they could separate our men from us, then they only have one person to deal with instead of the polarity. This is where the weakness came in. Had the two polarities, like the brain, been both parts together, had we stood together in honor, respect, and gratitude, this never would have happened to us. But we were silenced.
Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash
We [women] are the intuitive ones. We knew what was coming. And this has been going on for millennia—this didn’t just start yesterday. There were cultures that were run by women, but all of that was burned in the Library of Alexanderia [in Egypt]. They wanted to make sure we never read any of that because we might get ideas.
Through us being separated, now anything could happen to us—a pandemic, all kinds of poison and biological weapons could be used on us, because there’s not an equal voice, and the ones who are psychic are not being asked to speak. The ones who are intuitive, the ones who want to protect the babies, the ones who want to stop pedophilia, we’re not being asked to speak. So these things are happening because we are the responsible party, but it all happens because we allowed ourselves to be separated. That’s why that Adam and Eve scenario I mentioned in Call for the Truth is so important. It’s so easy to see that they flipped the script to make us the bad guy. Now through all of history it’s like, “We don’t like women because they led us into death. We have death because she made him eat the apple.”
She didn’t make him eat the apple. They were enticed into doing something and then blame the woman for it and then magnify the blame over millions of years. Same thing with Greek history in Pandora’s Box. When the original Pandora’s Box was written, it was that woman brought into the world life, fertility, healing, and beauty, but they changed it—if you read the story now, it’s like, she brought in death and she’s the villain. In the history books this is how they’ve flipped the script. Now the woman is the scapegoat. We have much work to do on ourselves as women, with each other, and with ourselves. We have much correction that needs to take place and how we think about things. It’s all smear tactics and facts that don’t really support the earlier versions, which represent Pandora as a gift embodying fertility, Earth, a healer, and a life giver—that’s who we are. That’s our job, that’s what we’re here for. I will heal you, I’ll give you some life, I’ll fertilize Earth, and then I’ll see you the next time around.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Read Part 2: Shaman LaOta Rassoull on How Women Can Access Their Divine Feminine Power
Read Interview #1: Clearing Negative Energy and Restoring the Divine Feminine with LaOta Rassoull